Pacific Maritime Association

PMA Annual Report 2021

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Mechanic Safety Module PMA worked closely with member companies and the ILWU to develop a specially tailored set of mechanic safety modules for various jobs and shops. The safety team worked with power, chassis, reefer and crane shops to compile longshore workers' perspectives on the most common types of injuries and the best practices to avoid them in the workplace. The tailored insights are combined into a series of videos to train mechanics, whose hands-on work can put them at greater risk for injury. COVID-19 Safety Flyers As the impacts of COVID-19 carried into another year, PMA's safety and training team promoted three longshore safety tip bulletins designed to educate workers on how to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 and other viruses. The first bulletin detailed the parameters of face-covering requirements in marine terminals, joint dispatch halls, and training sites. A second bulletin detailed how to stop the spread of the flu virus. The third bulletin informed workers on how to evaluate COVID-19 symptoms if becoming ill while on the job. The documents delivered timely, vital information to the workforce during an unprecedented chapter in maritime history. 2021 | THE YEAR IN REVIEW Mandatory Requirement to Wear a Face Covering Longshore Safety Tip August - 2020 ILWU - PMA PACIFIC COAST MARINE SAFETY COMMITTEE DEDICATED TO SAFETY All individuals accessing a marine terminal, joint dispatch hall, or training site are required to wear face coverings at all mes when indoors, except when working alone in an office, and at all mes outdoors, including in equipment, when six feet of social distancing is not possible. Face coverings are required as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the face covering coughs, sneezes, or talks. Wear your Face Covering Correctly • Inspect the face covering for holes or other defects prior to wearing • Wash your hands before pu ng on your face covering • Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin • Try to fit it snugly against the sides of your face • Make sure you can breathe easily Remove your Face Covering Carefully • Handle only by the ear loops or es • Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing • Wash your hands immediately a er removing • Don't put the face covering around your neck or up on your forehead • Don't touch the face covering, and if you do, wash your hands to disinfect • Don't reuse disposable masks Con nue to keep 6 feet distance between others when possible. The face covering is not a subs tute for social distancing Longshore Safety Tip October - 2020 ILWU - PMA PACIFIC COAST MARINE SAFETY COMMITTEE DEDICATED TO SAFETY Stop the Spread of Flu in the Workplace FLU VACCINE REDUCES YOUR RISK OF ILLNESS Ge ng vaccinated for the flu this fall is more important than ever. Not only will a flu shot keep you and your family healthy, it can reduce the strain on the healthcare system during COVID-19. This is no ordinary flu season—it is a flu season during a pandemic. It is possible to have the flu and COVID-19 at the same me. The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protec ng against the flu virus. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine as soon as available. Vaccina on of high risk persons is especially important to decrease the risk of severe flu illness. If you are sick with flu-like illness, stay home. Remember that the flu vaccine not only protects you, but it can also help protect those around you For more informa on, visit Evalua on of COVID-19 Symptoms Longshore Safety Tip December - 2020 ILWU - PMA PACIFIC COAST MARINE SAFETY COMMITTEE DEDICATED TO SAFETY Self Evalua on Symptoms COVID-19 symptoms means a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fa gue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, conges on or runny nose, nausea or vomi ng, or diarrhea. COVID-19 is an infec ous disease that can be spread through the air when an infec ous person talks or vocalizes, sneezes, coughs, or exhales. COVID-19 may be transmi ed when a person touches a contaminated object and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth, although that is less common. Many infec ous persons have no symptoms, and you should treat all persons, regardless of symptoms or nega ve COVID test results, as poten ally infec ous. Infec ous COVID par cles can travel more than 6 feet, especially indoors. It is important to follow all required social distancing controls (always maintain at least 6 distance between others unless 6 of separa on is not possible), to wear a facial covering, and to frequently wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap & water. If you Become Sick While on the Job If while on the job you start to develop COVID- 19 symptoms, or are not feeling well, no fy your supervisor immediately. Keep your facial covering on at all mes, and remain at least 6 feet away from others. If you Have Been Around Others with COVID Symptoms Longshore workers should report all possible COVID-19 exposures to their local JPLRC as soon as possible. A COVID exposure means being within 6 feet of a COVID posi ve individual for a cumula ve total of 15 minutes or greater in any 24 hour period, even if you were wearing a face covering. The COVID benefits Leave Request Op on // Guidance for Repor ng COVID Cases // and addi onal informa on may be reviewed on the PMA website at Longshore workers are required to evaluate their own symptoms before repor ng to work. If you develop any of the symptoms below, contact your doctor to discuss your condi on, you may need to isolate yourself or get a COVID test. Do not report to work if you develop COVID symptoms. Contact your Employer or Union representa ve. Off-dock container yard storage at the Port of Seattle. PMA promotes three longshore safety tip bulletins. 23 23 PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION

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