Pacific Maritime Association

PMA Annual Report 2021

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SAFETY AND TRAINING ON THE WATERFRONT Safety and training measures helped West Coast ports meet the demands of the historic cargo surge. PMA, its members, and the ILWU joined forces to prioritize essential training and to rise to the enormous challenges of the moment. Lost Time Injury Rate Compared to Man-Hours Even as the workforce moved record volumes, the Coastwide Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) fell to yet another low. The continued downward trajectory in the face of record volumes is another impressive testament to the professionalism, collaboration, and commitment to safety by PMA and the ILWU. On a coastwide basis, the rate fell to 2.52 in 2021, down from 3.43 the prior year. For registered longshore workers, clerks, and foremen, LTIR fell in all West Coast regions. Expanded Online Training Pilot A year after the pandemic paused the core General Safety Training (GST) program, PMA and the ILWU expanded an online pilot program that translated the classroom curriculum into a digital format. Made possible through cooperation between PMA and numerous locals coastwide, the pilot program has been a major success to date, with more than 7,475 workers in California, Oregon, and Washington taking the online training. The alternative format for the training program helped PMA and the ILWU catch up on requirements that were delayed due to COVID-19. A special permit was obtained to delay those deadlines until the end of the year, allowing additional time to meet the requirements. Additional Training to Handle Increased Cargo Volumes In all three West Coast states, PMA helped implement additional training measures to equip the ILWU workforce with the skills necessary to handle the historic cargo volumes. Those efforts included agreements in Southern California to expedite crane operator training; increased equipment training in Northern California; and the launch of a state-of-the-art training facility at the Port of Seattle. Signaling for a crane driver at SSA Pier A Terminal at the Port of Long Beach. 2 4 6 8 10 2001 2004 2008 2016 2021 20 Years of Progress Lost-Time Injury Rates 22 22 2021 ANNUAL REPORT

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