Pacific Maritime Association

Annual Report 2013

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62 LONG BEACH Automobiles and Trucks 2,281,695 12.3% 2,553,580 14.8% 2,101,755 14.6% 3,809,564 16.1% 4,127,011 16.4% Bulk Cargo 9,116,520 15.0% 7,957,120 13.3% 7,555,653 14.3% 7,807,607 12.6% 8,101,095 13.5% Containerized Cargo 4,518,296 29.8% 4,700,059 31.5% 3,863,018 29.4% 4,831,261 31.7% 5,133,548 32.1% General Cargo 588,186 7.9% 458,785 7.5% 439,738 9.2% 1,009,803 11.8% 1,287,286 13.1% Logs and Lumber 108,910 4.9% 108,629 6.7% 76,945 7.9% 155,556 12.8% 182,069 13.3% Port Total 88,906,343 25.6% 90,979,117 26.9% 75,845,397 25.6% 94,913,967 26.8% 100,967,777 27.4% LOS ANGELES Automobiles and Trucks 2,491,404 13.4% 1,864,440 10.8% 1,340,900 9.3% 1,935,410 8.2% 1,728,641 6.9% Bulk Cargo 1,207,562 2.0% 956,878 1.6% 1,415,735 2.7% 1,084,178 1.7% 1,968,126 3.3% Containerized Cargo 6,147,908 40.5% 5,759,201 38.6% 5,172,915 39.4% 5,925,449 38.9% 6,108,780 38.2% General Cargo 2,388,840 32.0% 1,908,016 31.1% 1,325,807 27.7% 2,789,573 32.7% 3,232,113 33.0% Logs and Lumber - 0.0% 213 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 1,483 0.1% Port Total 110,602,242 31.9% 102,635,964 30.3% 92,021,997 31.0% 106,541,794 30.1% 110,779,623 30.0% OAKLAND Automobiles and Trucks 443,329 2.4% 352,482 2.0% 451,651 3.1% 613,542 2.6% 830,886 3.3% Containerized Cargo 1,754,343 11.0% 1,712,519 11.5% 1,611,011 12.3% 1,633,775 10.7% 1,681,319 10.5% General Cargo 17,749 0.2% 15,674 0.3% 10,819 0.2% 27,913 0.3% 36,397 0.4% Port Total 30,284,909 8.7% 29,480,979 8.7% 27,849,657 9.4% 28,415,630 8.0% 29,449,706 8.0% PORTLAND Automobiles and Trucks 2,620,716 14.1% 3,005,920 17.5% 2,659,843 18.5% 4,608,061 19.5% 5,225,708 20.7% Bulk Cargo 12,949,010 21.3% 13,423,829 22.4% 10,632,595 20.1% 12,684,386 20.5% 13,150,421 21.9% Containerized Cargo 155,960 1.0% 132,382 0.9% 157,306 1.2% 202,657 1.3% 213,814 1.3% General Cargo 912,805 12.2% 980,902 16.0% 381,659 8.0% 945,554 11.1% 1,155,566 11.8% Logs and Lumber 5,987 0.3% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% Port Total 19,139,838 5.5% 19,661,145 5.8% 16,348,299 5.5% 21,683,170 6.1% 23,166,533 6.3% TACOMA Automobiles and Trucks 2,303,121 12.4% 1,882,950 10.9% 1,721,871 12.0% 2,423,377 10.3% 2,558,972 10.1% Bulk Cargo 7,059,468 11.6% 7,187,289 12.0% 7,328,474 13.9% 7,683,823 12.4% 6,564,476 10.9% Containerized Cargo 1,083,773 7.1% 1,063,437 7.1% 1,140,775 8.7% 1,419,479 9.3% 1,420,418 8.9% General Cargo 465,370 6.2% 239,070 3.9% 220,682 4.6% 312,624 3.7% 300,753 3.1% Logs and Lumber 176,332 8.0% 118,905 7.4% 36,250 3.7% 149,649 12.3% 182,133 13.3% Port Total 28,428,432 8.2% 27,506,643 8.1% 28,700,452 9.7% 34,700,616 9.8% 33,753,440 9.2% SEATTLE Automobiles and Trucks 89,979 0.5% 66,907 0.4% 75,749 0.5% 111,428 0.5% 105,900 0.4% Bulk Cargo 5,535,609 9.1% 6,053,126 10.1% 6,018,741 11.4% 7,029,460 11.3% 5,939,508 9.9% Containerized Cargo 1,417,388 9.3% 1,478,842 9.9% 1,112,134 8.5% 1,143,979 7.5% 1,370,864 8.6% General Cargo 134,631 1.8% 76,558 1.2% 69,278 1.4% 142,521 1.7% 163,843 1.7% Port Total 29,855,815 8.6% 31,336,905 9.3% 25,070,046 8.5% 26,731,052 7.5% 29,513,939 8.0% ALL OTHER PORTS Automobiles and Trucks 8,386,986 45.0% 7,482,915 43.5% 6,052,661 42.0% 10,116,039 42.8% 10,639,255 42.2% Bulk Cargo 25,032,807 41.1% 24,323,191 40.6% 19,948,231 37.7% 25,699,333 41.5% 24,449,618 40.6% Containerized Cargo 88,254 0.6% 89,266 0.6% 80,379 0.6% 82,893 0.5% 77,199 0.5% General Cargo 2,960,146 39.6% 2,448,066 40.0% 2,345,475 48.9% 3,304,947 38.7% 3,616,518 36.9% Logs and Lumber 1,909,847 86.8% 1,387,101 85.9% 863,931 88.4% 913,238 75.0% 1,006,578 73.4% Port Total 39,790,104 11.5% 37,158,795 11.0% 30,577,777 10.3% 41,442,738 11.7% 41,024,352 11.1% COAST TOTALS Automobiles and Trucks 18,617,230 17,209,194 14,404,430 23,617,421 25,216,373 Bulk Cargo 60,900,976 59,901,433 52,899,429 61,988,787 60,173,244 Containerized Cargo 15,165,922 14,935,706 13,137,538 15,239,493 16,005,942 General Cargo 7,467,727 6,127,071 4,794,494 8,532,935 9,792,476 Logs and Lumber 2,201,076 1,614,848 977,126 1,218,443 1,372,263 Coast Total 347,007,683 338,759,548 296,413,625 354,428,967 368,655,370 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast For each of the six major ports and for All Other Ports, the number of assessable container TEUs and the revenue tonnage reported in each of the other four cargo sectors are shown for each year since 2009. The Port Total tonnage includes container tonnage. Container TEUs are converted to tonnage by multiplying the number of TEUs by 17 tons. Coast Revenue Tonnage Market Share In the table below, the column labeled "Percent of Coast" represents the cargo tonnage as a percent of the coast total for that sector. This percentage represents what is commonly referred to as market share. The six major ports listed below handled 88.7% of the total coast tonnage and 99.2% of the containerized cargo in 2013. 62 2 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T S T A T I S T I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N LONG BEACH Automobiles and Trucks 3,369,222 14.6% 3,168,614 14.7% 2,281,695 12.3% 2,553,580 14.8% 2,101,755 14.6% Bulk Cargo 9,722,837 23.2% 9,055,564 17.0% 9,116,520 15.0% 7,957,120 13.3% 7,555,653 14.3% Containerized Cargo 5,139,870 32.9% 4,592,116 29.9% 4,518,296 29.8% 4,700,059 31.5% 3,863,018 29.4% General Cargo 502,748 7.1% 562,483 7.2% 589,697 7.9% 458,785 7.5% 439,738 9.2% Logs and Lumber 97,510 4.0% 100,885 5.4% 108,910 4.9% 108,629 6.7% 76,945 7.9% Port Total 101,070,107 29.7% 90,953,518 26.3% 88,907,854 25.6% 90,979,117 26.9% 75,845,397 25.6% LOS ANGELES Automobiles and Trucks 2,201,359 9.5% 2,644,045 12.3% 2,491,404 13.4% 1,864,440 10.8% 1,340,900 9.3% Bulk Cargo 1,274,214 3.0% 839,013 1.6% 1,207,562 2.0% 956,878 1.6% 1,415,735 2.7% Containerized Cargo 5,889,089 37.7% 6,150,092 40.0% 6,147,917 40.5% 5,759,201 38.6% 5,172,915 39.4% General Cargo 2,581,259 36.4% 2,721,033 34.8% 2,397,112 32.0% 1,908,016 31.1% 1,325,807 27.7% Logs and Lumber – 0.0% – 0.0% – 0.0% 213 <0.1% – 0.0% Port Total 106,171,345 31.2% 110,755,655 32.0% 110,610,667 31.9% 102,635,964 30.3% 92,021,997 31.0% OAKLAND Automobiles and Trucks 308,581 1.3% 322,955 1.5% 443,329 2.4% 352,482 2.0% 451,651 3.1% Containerized Cargo 1,799,086 11.5% 1,762,238 11.5% 1,754,260 11.6% 1,712,519 11.5% 1,611,011 12.3% General Cargo 13,803 0.2% 16,774 0.2% 17,749 0.2% 15,674 0.3% 10,819 0.2% Port Total 30,906,846 9.1% 30,297,775 8.8% 30,283,498 8.7% 29,480,979 8.7% 27,849,657 9.4% PORTLAND Automobiles and Trucks 2,987,992 12.9% 3,214,234 14.9% 2,620,716 14.1% 3,005,920 17.5% 2,659,843 18.5% Bulk Cargo 7,060,390 16.9% 11,147,471 20.9% 12,949,010 21.3% 13,423,829 22.4% 10,632,595 20.1% Containerized Cargo 151,564 1.0% 152,961 1.0% 155,960 1.0% 132,382 0.9% 157,306 1.2% General Cargo 891,452 12.6% 986,089 12.6% 912,805 12.2% 980,902 16.0% 381,659 8.0% Logs and Lumber – 0.0% – 0.0% 5,987 0.3% – 0.0% – 0.0% Port Total 13,516,422 4.0% 17,948,131 5.2% 19,139,838 5.5% 19,661,145 5.8% 16,348,299 5.5% TACOMA Automobiles and Trucks 2,371,934 10.3% 2,186,126 10.2% 2,310,068 12.4% 1,882,950 10.9% 1,721,871 12.0% Bulk Cargo 3,456,272 8.3% 5,710,368 10.7% 7,059,468 11.6% 7,187,289 12.0% 7,328,474 13.9% Containerized Cargo 1,483,436 9.5% 1,307,395 8.5% 1,083,775 7.1% 1,063,437 7.1% 1,140,775 8.7% General Cargo 650,339 9.2% 730,788 9.4% 458,423 6.1% 239,070 3.9% 220,682 4.6% Logs and Lumber 126,380 5.1% 121,740 6.5% 176,332 8.0% 118,905 7.4% 36,250 3.7% Port Total 31,823,337 9.4% 30,974,737 9.0% 28,428,466 8.2% 27,506,643 8.1% 28,700,452 9.7% SEATTLE Automobiles and Trucks 103,597 0.4% 96,202 0.4% 89,979 0.5% 66,907 0.4% 75,749 0.5% Bulk Cargo 16,552 <0.1% 3,484,386 6.5% 5,535,609 9.1% 6,053,126 10.1% 6,018,741 11.4% Containerized Cargo 1,049,838 6.7% 1,285,858 8.4% 1,417,388 9.3% 1,478,842 9.9% 1,112,134 8.5% General Cargo 152,214 2.1% 108,830 1.4% 134,569 1.8% 76,558 1.2% 69,278 1.4% Port Total 18,119,609 5.3% 25,549,004 7.4% 29,855,753 8.6% 31,336,905 9.3% 25,070,046 8.5% ALL OTHER PORTS Automobiles and Trucks 11,761,583 50.9% 9,904,850 46.0% 8,386,986 45.0% 7,482,915 43.5% 6,052,661 42.0% Bulk Cargo 20,358,530 48.6% 23,156,659 43.4% 25,032,807 41.1% 24,323,191 40.6% 19,948,231 37.7% Containerized Cargo 119,626 0.8% 118,662 0.8% 88,925 0.6% 89,266 0.6% 80,379 0.6% General Cargo 2,297,440 32.4% 2,685,596 34.4% 2,971,117 39.7% 2,448,066 40.0% 2,345,511 48.9% Logs and Lumber 2,233,792 90.9% 1,657,741 88.2% 1,909,847 86.8% 1,387,101 85.9% 863,931 88.4% Port Total 38,684,987 11.4% 39,422,100 11.4% 39,812,482 11.5% 37,158,795 11.0% 30,577,777 10.3% COAST TOTALS Automobiles and Trucks 23,104,268 21,537,026 18,624,177 17,209,194 14,404,430 Bulk Cargo 41,888,795 53,393,461 60,900,976 59,901,433 52,899,429 Containerized Cargo 15,632,509 15,369,322 15,166,521 14,935,706 13,137,538 General Cargo 7,089,255 7,811,593 7,481,472 6,127,071 4,794,494 Logs and Lumber 2,457,682 1,880,366 2,201,076 1,614,848 977,126 Coast Total 340,292,653 345,900,920 347,038,558 338,759,548 296,413,625

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