Pacific Maritime Association

Annual Report 2013

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42 I N D U S T R Y B E N E F I T S Who is Eligible for ILWU-PMA Welfare Plan Benefits An overview of eligibility requirements, by eligibility category for Welfare Plan participation, is shown below. The Plan Trustees are the final arbiters of eligibility. Active Registrants: Only persons who have industry registration may become eligible for Welfare Plan benefits. An annual review is conducted by the Trustees prior to July 1. Each active reg- istrant's record of covered employment for the preceding payroll year is used to determine whether the registrant has established eligibility for the succeeding 12 months (July through June). In major ports, a registrant will be eligible effective July 1 for 12 months of welfare coverage if a minimum of 800 hours were credited in the pre- ceding payroll year, or if a minimum of 400 hours were credited in the last half of the preceding payroll year. The same requirements apply to minor ports except that the hours requirement is 480 hours in the pre- ceding payroll year or 240 hours in the last half of the preceding payroll year. A mid-year review is also conducted by the Trustees prior to January 1 to determine eligibility for those active registrants who do not hold 12-month eligibility from the previous July 1. An active registrant may receive eligibility for January through June if sufficient hours of covered employment have been credited for the registrant in the first half of the preceding payroll year. In major ports, at least 400 hours must have been worked or credited in the first half of the preceding payroll year. Discharging steel coils at SSA Marine's operation at the Port of Kalama, WA. ILWU members pay no health care premiums, and receive 100 percent coverage for standard medical benefits. '93 '98 '03 '08 '13 $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 Total Welfare Plan benefits costs—for the active registered work force and dependents and for retirees and covered dependents—for each fiscal year are divided by the count of active registrants at the end of the previous payroll year (mid- point of the fiscal year). For example, costs for 2012/2013 are divided by the count of active registrants at the end of 2012. ILWU-PMA WELFARE PLAN BENEFITS COSTS PER ACTIVE REGISTRANT Fiscal Years 1993-2013 42 2 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T

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