Pacific Maritime Association

Annual Report 2013

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22 Safety on the Waterfront Injury Rate Hits All-Time Low The West Coast lost time injury (LTI) incident rate – a standard measure of worker safety – fell to its lowest level on record. The 2013 LTI was 4.95, down nearly 10 percent from the pre- vious year's total, and more than one- third lower than the total a decade earlier. Southern California's LTI of 3.81 was the lowest recorded by any region in the 19 years that PMA has been keeping records. General Safety Training-VIII Goes Live Rollout of the widely anticipated General Safety Training (GST)-VIII began in January 2013 following months of analysis, discussion and development by employer and ILWU representatives on the Coast Safety Committee, a group that has been working together since the 1930s to ensure workers are familiar with strategies, procedures and programs related to waterfront safety. The Coast Safety Committee recog- nized that changes in terminal opera- tions, as well as evolving longshore roles and responsibilities, required significant updates to the safety training program that all workers must complete every three years to meet federal regulatory requirements. The resulting program, GST-VIII, is the most comprehensive ever. It was delivered on schedule, with one- third of the 21,000+ member work- force – including all new employees – trained by the end of 2013. The remainder are set to renew over the next two years. Surveys of workers indicate that the new eight-hour training is easy to follow, engaging and relevant to today's safety issues. Also, employers are leveraging GST- VIII to train man- agement staff on the latest safety practices. W aterfront safety efforts continued to bear fruit, as 2013 was the safest year on record, and a revised safety training program drew positive reviews from workers. With the onset of new technology, and a focus on awareness, vigilance and training, employers and union leaders continue to work in partnership toward making the waterfront even safer. Safety training takes center stage on the waterfront. 22 2 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T T H E Y E A R I N R E V I E W 0 2 4 6 8 2013 2005 2006 2004 2003 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2011 Incidence Rate per 200,000 Man-Hours Accident Incidence Rate 2003-2013

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