Pacific Maritime Association

Annual Report 2013

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72 Explanation of Port Hours, Wages and Tonnage Data The order in which the ports are listed on the following pages is a function of their location. The southernmost U.S. West Coast port, San Diego, California, is shown first, followed by each succeeding northerly port to Bellingham, Washington, near the Canadian border. Following the port data are summaries for each PMA Area and for the Coast. The Total Hours data include all hours paid under the terms of the Pacific Coast Longshore and Clerks' Agreement, the Pacific Coast Walking Bosses and Foremen's Agreement, ILWU-PMA Area Agreements, Member Company Agreements and participating nonmember company agreements. Travel time hours are not included. The Total Wages Paid figure is the sum of all wages paid for the hours shown in the Total Hours column. These wages do not include any mileage or benefits payments, and they are shown in thousands (000s) of dollars. Following the Total Tonnage is the Percent of [the] Coast Total that the port ton- nage represents. Following the Total Hours for each year is the Percent of [the] Coast Total that those hours represented. This value is the result of dividing "Weighted Tonnage" by Total Hours. Note: the Total Hours values for 2009 have been annualized to 52 weeks. The Total Tonnage figure is the sum of all revenue tonnage reported as Gen- eral Cargo, Lumber & Logs, Automobiles & Trucks, Bulk Cargo and a constructed container tonnage figure calculated by multiplying the num- ber of TEUs by 17 tons per revenue unit. The Percent of [the] Port Total that each commodity (tonnage) category represents is the percent of the total port "constructed" tonnage. These three columns show the Avg. Hourly Wage for each job category. The Avg. Hourly Wage value is the result of dividing the wages paid for each job category by the number of hours paid at that job category. These three columns show the Percent of [the] Port Total hours that were paid at occupation codes in each job category—longshore, clerk and foreman. The hours were paid to persons belonging to that port's local(s), to workers traveling in from other locals, and to casuals. Travel time hours are not included. Hours Wages Tonnage Percent Percent of Port Total Total Average Hourly Wage Percent Percent of Port Total Total of Coast L/S Clk Fmn Wages Paid Total of Coast Contain- General Lumber Autos & Bulk Year Hours Total Jobs Jobs Jobs (000s) L/S Clk Fmn Tonnage Total erized Cargo & Logs Trucks Cargo "Weighted Tons" Per Hour Paid Hanjin Long Beach calls at the Port of Long Beach. 72 2 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T S T A T I S T I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N

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