Pacific Maritime Association

Annual Report 2013

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60 The PMA Tonnage Reporting System provides for reporting container moves that are overstows and rehandles. These are classified as cell-to-cell and cell-dock-cell lifts. A cell-to- cell lift occurs when a container is shifted from one location on a vessel to another location. A cell-dock-cell lift occurs when a container is moved off a vessel, placed on the dock so that other cargo may be moved, and then the container is restowed onto the vessel. A cell-to-cell move counts as one lift, and a cell-dock-cell move as two lifts. OVERSTOWS AND REHANDLES 2013 CONTAINER COUNTS BY LENGTH OF BOX Container Box Counts In January 2000, PMA began collecting container counts by box length. Data are reported in seven different box sizes: 20, 24, 35, 40, 45, 48 and 53-foot lengths. These tables show the counts for the most common three lengths and a total for all containers. Containers are divided into two categories: Loaded and Empty. Loaded containers include assessable, those containing cargo exempt from assessments, auto-bearing containers and transshipped containers. All Box Lengths is the total of all containers reported including 24, 35, 48 and 53-foot containers, which are not shown in the columns to the left. 2013 Box Length: 20 Feet 40 Feet 45 Feet All Box Lengths Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total % of Port TEUs Long Beach Cargo Bearing 401,551 198,558 600,109 1,416,207 709,110 2,125,317 94,175 39,888 134,063 1,916,623 949,172 2,865,795 77.0% 5,167,027 Empty 1,552 165,378 166,930 24,943 596,438 621,381 5,802 56,282 62,084 36,864 818,577 855,441 23.0% 1,560,532 TOTAL 403,103 363,936 767,039 1,441,150 1,305,548 2,746,698 99,977 96,170 196,147 1,953,487 1,767,749 3,721,236 100.0% 6,727,559 Los Angeles Cargo Bearing 434,573 223,471 658,044 1,600,965 806,302 2,407,267 146,768 41,600 188,368 2,187,483 1,071,423 3,258,906 75.2% 5,910,770 Empty 5,257 183,547 188,804 48,672 712,897 761,569 12,262 107,478 119,740 68,716 1,004,389 1,073,105 24.8% 1,989,554 TOTAL 439,830 407,018 846,848 1,649,637 1,519,199 3,168,836 159,030 149,078 308,108 2,256,199 2,075,812 4,332,011 100.0% 7,900,324 Oakland Cargo Bearing 137,304 125,870 263,174 306,448 423,906 730,354 27,690 17,909 45,599 471,698 569,029 1,040,727 78.4% 1,828,808 Empty 12,817 47,821 60,638 113,239 76,836 190,075 8,677 25,402 34,079 135,964 150,297 286,261 21.6% 519,735 TOTAL 150,121 173,691 323,812 419,687 500,742 920,429 36,367 43,311 79,678 607,662 719,326 1,326,988 100.0% 2,348,543 Portland Cargo Bearing 13,885 6,260 20,145 29,132 35,338 64,470 1,054 44 1,098 44,071 41,642 85,713 82.1% 151,564 Empty 1,079 9,514 10,593 3,369 3,507 6,876 1 1,206 1,207 4,449 14,227 18,676 17.9% 27,070 TOTAL 14,964 15,774 30,738 32,501 38,845 71,346 1,055 1,250 2,305 48,520 55,869 104,389 100.0% 178,634 Tacoma Cargo Bearing 107,069 49,739 156,808 306,905 339,684 646,589 27,844 17,755 45,599 441,824 407,178 849,002 84.0% 1,552,832 Empty 2,323 26,246 28,569 79,672 26,492 106,164 9,580 16,923 26,503 91,575 69,661 161,236 16.0% 300,642 TOTAL 109,392 75,985 185,377 386,577 366,176 752,753 37,424 34,678 72,102 533,399 476,839 1,010,238 100.0% 1,853,474 Seattle Cargo Bearing 85,817 49,627 135,444 213,358 219,458 432,816 18,942 4,658 23,600 318,370 276,908 595,278 82.3% 1,058,529 Empty 2,627 28,773 31,400 58,271 21,722 79,993 639 13,223 13,862 64,545 63,726 128,271 17.7% 226,296 TOTAL 88,444 78,400 166,844 271,629 241,180 512,809 19,581 17,881 37,462 382,915 340,634 723,549 100.0% 1,284,825 All Others Cargo Bearing 48,985 7,733 56,718 25,052 4,085 29,137 2,968 1,359 4,327 77,024 13,274 90,298 77.7% 124,879 Empty 1,862 2 1,864 1,809 22,094 23,903 - 34 34 3,782 22,130 25,912 22.3% 49,880 TOTAL 50,847 7,735 58,582 26,861 26,179 53,040 2,968 1,393 4,361 80,806 35,404 116,210 100.0% 174,759 COAST TOTALS Cargo Bearing 1,229,184 661,258 1,890,442 3,898,067 2,537,883 6,435,950 319,441 123,213 442,654 5,457,093 3,328,626 8,785,719 77.5% 15,794,409 Empty 27,517 461,281 488,798 329,975 1,459,986 1,789,961 36,961 220,548 257,509 405,895 2,143,007 2,548,902 22.5% 4,673,709 TOTAL 1,256,701 1,122,539 2,379,240 4,228,042 3,997,869 8,225,911 356,402 343,761 700,163 5,862,988 5,471,633 11,334,621 100.0% 20,468,118 % of Total 11.1% 9.9% 21.0% 37.3% 35.3% 72.6% 3.1% 3.0% 6.2% 51.7% 48.3% 100.0% – – 60 2 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T S T A T I S T I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N 20 Foot (21.0%) 40 Foot (72.6%) 45 Foot (6.2%) All Others (0.2%) 2013 CELL-TO-CELL CELL-DOCK-CELL Oakland 183 28,786 Northern California Total 183 28,786 Long Beach 422 4,804 Los Angeles 68 30,830 Southern California Total 490 35,634 Seattle 49 11,268 Tacoma 53 10,518 Washington Total 102 21,786 Portland – – Oregon Total – – COAST TOTAL 775 86,206

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