Pacific Maritime Association

2023 PMA Annual Report

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The PMA Tonnage Reporting System provides for reporting container moves that are overstows and rehandles. These are classified as cell-to-cell and cell-dock-cell lifts. A cell-to-cell lift occurs when a container is shifted from one location on a vessel to another location. A cell-dock-cell lift occurs when a container is moved off a vessel, placed on the dock so that other cargo may be moved, and then the container is restowed onto the vessel. A cell-to-cell move counts as one lift, and a cell-dock-cell move as two lifts. Container Box Counts Data are reported in seven different box sizes: 20, 24, 35, 40, 45, 48, and 53 foot lengths. These tables show the counts for the most common three lengths and a total for all containers. Containers are divided into two categories: Loaded and Empty. Loaded containers include assessable, those containing cargo exempt from assessments, auto-bearing containers and transshipped containers. 20 Foot (13.5%) 40 Foot (83.4%) 45 Foot ( 2.9% ) All Others (0.2%) CELL-TO- CELL-DOCK- 2023 CELL CELL Oakland 0 308 Northern California Total 0 308 Long Beach 0 6,286 Los Angeles 445 13,184 Port Hueneme 0 990 Southern California Total 445 20,460 Seattle 0 4 Tacoma 1 8,814 Washington Total 1 8,818 COAST TOTAL 446 29,586 2023 CONTAINER COUNTS BY LENGTH OF BOX 2023 Box Length: 20 Feet 40 Feet 45 Feet All Box Lengths Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total % of Port TEUs LONG BEACH Cargo Bearing 274,287 68,132 342,419 1,695,139 553,096 2,248,235 67,339 47,549 114,888 2,038,960 668,795 2,707,755 63.7% 5,103,508 Empty 1,894 184,515 186,409 54,083 1,233,791 1,287,874 21,597 41,902 63,499 80,867 1,460,427 1,541,294 36.3% 2,914,491 TOTAL 276,181 252,647 528,828 1,749,222 1,786,887 3,536,109 88,936 89,451 178,387 2,119,827 2,129,222 4,249,049 100% 8,017,999 LOS ANGELES Cargo Bearing 325,000 95,019 420,019 2,011,777 597,209 2,608,986 46,088 4,556 50,644 2,386,972 696,784 3,083,756 66.7% 5,763,082 Empty 698 186,254 186,952 3,022 1,297,326 1,300,348 48 41,438 41,486 13,136 1,525,018 1,538,154 33.3% 2,905,992 TOTAL 325,698 281,273 606,971 2,014,799 1,894,535 3,909,334 46,136 45,994 92,130 2,400,108 2,221,802 4,621,910 100% 8,669,074 OAKLAND Cargo Bearing 102,606 56,983 159,589 362,320 335,808 698,128 7,436 5,211 12,647 472,362 398,002 870,364 76% 1,584,434 Empty 7,621 52,863 60,484 77,139 128,506 205,645 2,838 5,690 8,528 87,598 187,059 274,657 24% 491,053 TOTAL 110,227 109,846 220,073 439,459 464,314 903,773 10,274 10,901 21,175 559,960 585,061 1,145,021 100% 2,075,487 PORTLAND Cargo Bearing 5,467 851 6,318 21,457 22,462 43,919 263 1 264 27,187 23,314 50,501 79.5% 94,756 Empty 0 4,600 4,600 3,794 4,345 8,139 0 252 252 3,794 9,197 12,991 20.5% 21,448 TOTAL 5,467 5,451 10,918 25,251 26,807 52,058 263 253 516 30,981 32,511 63,492 100% 116,204 TACOMA Cargo Bearing 65,846 21,646 87,492 308,536 288,226 596,762 9,841 14,763 24,604 384,223 324,635 708,858 76.8% 1,336,527 Empty 2,138 32,847 34,985 66,634 97,077 163,711 9,200 5,664 14,864 77,972 135,588 213,560 23.2% 395,920 TOTAL 67,984 54,493 122,477 375,170 385,303 760,473 19,041 20,427 39,468 462,195 460,223 922,418 100% 1,732,447 SEATTLE Cargo Bearing 45,484 19,317 64,801 190,858 96,983 287,841 3,561 447 4,008 239,903 116,747 356,650 69.8% 649,537 Empty 1,929 25,307 27,236 13,458 109,918 123,376 0 3,703 3,703 15,387 138,997 154,384 30.2% 282,522 TOTAL 47,413 44,624 92,037 204,316 206,901 411,217 3,561 4,150 7,711 255,290 255,744 511,034 100% 932,059 ALL OTHERS Cargo Bearing 3,617 1,076 4,693 103,996 16,330 120,326 232 0 232 109,832 17,406 127,238 58.9% 251,135 Empty 35 118 153 825 84,773 85,598 7 70 77 3,930 84,961 88,891 41.1% 179,640 TOTAL 3,652 1,194 4,846 104,821 101,103 205,924 239 70 309 113,762 102,367 216,129 100% 430,775 COAST TOTALS Cargo Bearing 822,307 263,024 1,085,331 4,694,083 1,910,114 6,604,197 134,760 72,527 207,287 5,659,439 2,245,683 7,905,122 67.4% 14,782,979 Empty 14,315 486,504 500,819 218,955 2,955,736 3,174,691 33,690 98,719 132,409 282,684 3,541,247 3,823,931 32.6% 7,191,066 TOTAL 836,622 749,528 1,586,150 4,913,038 4,865,850 9,778,888 168,450 171,246 339,696 5,942,123 5,786,930 11,729,053 100% 21,974,045 % of Total 7.1% 6.4% 13.5% 41.9% 41.5% 83.4% 1.4% 1.5% 2.9% 50.7% 49.3% 100% – – All Box Lengths is the total of all containers reported including 24, 35, 48 and 53-foot containers, which are not shown in the columns to the left. OVERSTOWS AND REHANDLES 58 2023 ANNUAL REPORT S TAT I S T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N

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