Pacific Maritime Association

2023 PMA Annual Report

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The first three columns, identified as 1 or More Hours, show the number of registrants paid one or more hours and their corresponding average annual hours and average annual earnings. Four pairs of columns follow showing the percent of registrants and average earnings for those registrants paid 1,600 or more hours, 2,000 or more hours, 2,400 or more hours, and 2,800 or more hours. The % of Registrants column shows the percent of the total number of registrants who were paid hours equal to or greater than the number of hours under the hours heading. Each succeeding hours group includes an increasingly smaller percentage of the respective work force as the minimum number of hours paid is incremented in 400 hour units. The Average Earnings column shows the average earnings for those registrants who were paid hours equal to or greater than the number of hours under the hours heading. The Average Hours column shows the average numbers of hours paid to those registrants who were paid 2,800 or more hours. 1 or More Hours 1600 or More Hours 2000 or More Hours 2400 or More Hours 2800 or More Hours Number Average Average % of Average % of Average % of Average % of Average Average Year Paid Hours Earnings Registrants Earnings Registrants Earnings Registrants Earnings Registrants Hours Earnings CLASS "A" LONGSHORE REGISTRANTS 2014 9,747 2,048 112,554 70.9 134,451 52.9 146,517 33.2 162,555 18.1 3,242 180,845 2015* 9,515 2,034 114,973 70.2 138,286 52.6 150,551 33.2 166,867 17.6 3,241 185,510 2016 9,347 1,999 117,029 68.3 142,589 50.6 155,591 31.9 172,986 17.2 3,235 191,589 2017 9,409 2,062 125,143 70.5 150,114 52.9 163,481 34.6 180,495 19.4 3,266 199,236 2018 9,099 2,095 132,145 71.4 157,761 54.9 171,110 36.2 189,050 20.9 3,276 209,150 2019 8,694 2,048 133,779 69.4 162,755 52.9 177,195 36.2 193,976 20.2 3,229 215,005 2020* 9,220 1,948 131,708 63.8 168,045 49.0 182,789 32.5 201,804 18.4 3,246 223,803 2021 9,210 2,166 149,949 72.6 180,099 58.0 194,350 41.5 211,789 25.8 3,309 231,764 2022 8,815 2,161 159,789 72.6 191,269 57.8 206,571 41.3 224,666 24.8 3,297 247,364 2023 # 9,666 1,909 $154,470 61.7% $198,135 45.3% $218,231 30.0% $241,247 16.7% 3,232 $268,324 CLASS "A" CLERKS 2014 1,574 2,539 146,160 86.8 158,554 76.7 165,202 60.5 175,259 40.9 3,293 188,376 2015* 1,638 2,532 149,842 84.9 165,015 75.6 171,682 59.5 182,615 41.2 3,333 196,189 2016 1,639 2,564 156,054 87.5 169,055 78.9 175,385 61.4 186,864 42.0 3,315 201,055 2017 1,535 2,639 166,449 88.2 178,943 78.9 186,461 64.9 195,889 46.6 3,342 209,555 2018 1,619 2,642 171,619 87.6 185,233 77.9 193,511 63.1 205,139 44.8 3,411 220,450 2019 1,746 2,597 172,632 87.4 186,834 77.0 195,329 60.7 208,449 42.1 3,396 225,233 2020* 1,645 2,539 174,864 83.5 193,957 73.0 203,533 60.3 214,202 41.3 3,380 230,702 2021 1,736 2,730 192,011 86.6 209,234 78.4 217,651 65.2 230,223 50.1 3,498 244,654 2022 1,827 2,766 205,097 88.9 220,230 80.6 228,870 68.2 240,581 50.2 3,502 258,486 2023 # 1,755 2,606 $209,123 87.1% $225,419 76.5% $235.908 61.9% $250,052 39.1% 3,453 $275,443 WALKING BOSSES/FOREMEN 2014 574 2,978 215,834 92.9 225,294 88.0 230,003 77.4 238,412 63.1 3,485 248,662 2015* 569 2,850 225,846 91.2 238,726 87.2 243,319 77.0 252,289 59.8 3,365 265,585 2016 551 2,787 237,686 92.2 249,602 85.3 257,557 74.4 268,155 50.3 3,376 289,193 2017 584 2,864 245,840 92.6 257,367 86.8 264,509 76.4 276,143 56.3 3,415 292,744 2018 568 2,946 263,785 94.0 273,816 87.9 281,555 78.9 290,872 61.3 3,434 304,869 2019 616 2,959 267,216 94.3 277,280 90.6 281,873 80.8 291,991 60.4 3,452 310,364 2020* 599 2,765 262,404 92.0 275,685 88.0 280,352 75.6 291,756 49.2 3,316 311,821 2021 594 3,006 294,052 94.3 305,340 90.1 311,656 80.3 322,591 60.4 3,517 340,686 2022 677 2,985 302,898 95.0 312,495 90.4 319,087 83.0 326,555 58.2 3,490 349,369 2023 # 671 2,838 $313,897 94.9% $323,816 89.0% $331,668 78.7% $343,048 50.4% 3,381 $369,317 Average Annual Earnings The table below shows the average annual earnings of Class "A" longshore and clerk registrants and of walking bosses/foremen. The data include hours paid; holiday pay; vacation pay; pay for travel hours; and taxable travel-related meals, fares and lodging. The earnings data do NOT include Pay Guarantee Plan (PGP) payments; taxable mileage; and nontaxable travel-related meals, fares and lodging. Data for Class "B" registrants are NOT included. NUMBER OF REGISTRANTS PAID BY 2023 ANNUAL EARNINGS (grouped in $5,000 increments) 25 50 75 $0 $100 $200 $300 $0 $100 $200 Class "A" Longshore Registrants Class "A" Clerks Walking Bosses/Foremen $300 $400 $400 Annual Earnings (thousands) Number Paid Number Paid Number Paid Annual Earnings (thousands) Annual Earnings (thousands) 100 200 400 10 5 20 25 30 15 $100 $300 $400 $500 $200 300 *Data from 2015 and 2020 have been annualized to 52 weeks to allow comparison with other years. 2015 and 2020 were 53-week payroll years. # Includes one-time appreciation payment for those individuals who worked during the initial COVID-19 outbreak. PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION 61 S TAT I S T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N

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