Pacific Maritime Association

2022 PMA Annual Report

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West Coast Waterborne Revenue Tonnage Waterborne revenue tonnage moving through California, Oregon, and Washington ports since 2002. During this time, containerized cargo has been reported as TEUs and converted to tonnage by multiplying the number of TEUs by 17, based on the supposition that each TEU contains on average 17 revenue tons. The percent that each tonnage sector represents of the total for each year is shown in the column to the right of the revenue tonnage. Percent of General Percent of Lumber Percent of Autos Percent of Percent of Year Containers Total Cargo Total and Logs Total and Trucks Total Bulk Cargo Total Total Tonnage 2002 183,998,174 69.9% 9,136,510 3.5% 1,941,066 0.7% 21,095,617 8.0% 46,955,460 17.8% 263,126,827 2003 202,664,480 71.4% 8,360,920 2.9% 1,931,998 0.7% 20,416,812 7.2% 50,324,853 17.7% 283,699,063 2004 221,541,059 70.5% 10,720,217 3.4% 1,893,393 0.6% 21,562,960 6.9% 58,318,907 18.6% 314,036,536 2005 239,807,780 71.5% 9,520,729 2.8% 1,731,207 0.5% 21,674,877 6.5% 62,475,184 18.6% 335,209,777 2006 260,040,551 72.0% 11,847,310 3.3% 1,545,957 0.4% 26,112,896 7.2% 61,590,529 17.1% 361,137,243 2007 272,101,014 73.8% 9,792,476 2.7% 1,372,263 0.4% 25,216,373 6.8% 60,173,244 16.3% 368,655,370 2008 259,071,381 73.1% 8,532,935 2.4% 1,218,443 0.3% 23,617,421 6.7% 61,988,787 17.5% 354,428,967 2009 223,338,146 75.3% 4,794,494 1.6% 977,126 0.3% 14,404,430 4.9% 52,899,429 17.8% 296,413,625 2010 253,907,002 75.0% 6,127,071 1.8% 1,614,848 0.5% 17,209,194 5.1% 59,901,433 17.7% 338,759,548 2011 257,830,857 74.3% 7,481,472 2.2% 2,201,076 0.6% 18,624,177 5.4% 60,900,976 17.5% 347,038,558 2012 261,278,474 75.5% 7,811,593 2.3% 1,880,366 0.5% 21,537,026 6.2% 53,393,461 15.4% 345,900,920 2013 265,762,513 78.1% 7,089,846 2.1% 2,457,682 0.7% 23,111,593 6.8% 41,979,907 12.3% 340,401,541 2014 266,244,922 76.8% 8,644,263 2.5% 2,215,248 0.6% 23,912,894 6.9% 45,784,337 13.2% 346,801,664 2015 260,444,505 77.3% 8,029,054 2.4% 1,729,530 0.5% 25,293,258 7.5% 41,556,263 12.3% 337,052,610 2016 270,647,293 77.2% 6,423,796 1.8% 1,808,034 0.5% 26,147,015 7.5% 45,493,708 13.0% 350,519,846 2017 281,076,742 76.4% 6,529,383 1.8% 1,693,995 0.5% 27,206,016 7.4% 51,109,495 13.9% 367,615,631 2018 288,656,685 76.0% 6,854,770 1.8% 1,509,876 0.4% 26,480,207 7.0% 56,298,737 14.8% 379,800,275 2019 278,238,677 76.9% 5,967,360 1.7% 1,141,590 0.3% 28,188,036 7.8% 48,047,898 13.3% 361,583,561 2020 273,974,754 80.3% 4,017,339 1.2% 1,041,496 0.3% 22,028,008 6.5% 39,732,079 11.7% 340,793,676 2021 295,066,501 80.5% 5,303,222 1.4% 1,138,326 0.3% 21,557,052 5.9% 43,822,870 11.9% 366,887,971 2022 277,143,843 79.8% 5,520,906 1.6% 1,048,998 0.3% 22,042,251 6.4% 41,203,670 11.9% 346,959,668 150 200 100 50 Millions of Tons Containers Autos and Trucks General Cargo Lumber and Logs Millions of Tons Millions of Tons Millions of Tons Millions of Tons Millions of Tons 0 0 250 15 20 10 5 0 25 10 5 2 1 30 40 50 20 10 70 60 150 200 250 100 50 0 350 300 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 300 Bulk Cargo Total Tonnage 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 0 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 0 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 S TAT I S T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N 59 59 PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION

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