Pacific Maritime Association

PMA Annual Report 2021

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The PMA Tonnage Reporting System provides for reporting container moves that are overstows and rehandles. These are classified as cell-to-cell and cell-dock-cell lifts. A cell-to-cell lift occurs when a container is shifted from one location on a vessel to another location. A cell-dock-cell lift occurs when a container is moved off a vessel, placed on the dock so that other cargo may be moved, and then the container is restowed onto the vessel. A cell-to-cell move counts as one lift, and a cell-dock-cell move as two lifts. Container Box Counts Data are reported in seven different box sizes: 20, 24, 35, 40, 45, 48, and 53 foot lengths. These tables show the counts for the most common three lengths and a total for all containers. Containers are divided into two categories: Loaded and Empty. Loaded containers include assessable, those con- taining cargo exempt from assessments, auto-bearing containers and transshipped containers. 20 Foot (13.9%) 40 Foot (82.9%) 45 Foot ( 3.0% ) All Others (0.2%) 2021 CELL-TO-CELL CELL-DOCK-CELL Oakland 29 1,414 Northern California Total 29 1,414 Long Beach 25 10,192 Los Angeles 107 13,420 Port Hueneme 0 122 Southern California Total 132 23,734 Seattle 0 96 Tacoma 3 7,450 Washington Total 3 7,546 COAST TOTAL 164 32,694 2021 CONTAINER COUNTS BY LENGTH OF BOX 2021 Box Length: 20 Feet 40 Feet 45 Feet All Box Lengths Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total Discharged Loaded Total % of Port TEUs Long Beach Cargo Bearing 339,255 91,036 430,291 2,044,620 616,982 2,661,602 73,964 52,753 126,717 2,458,981 760,803 3,219,784 64.4% 6,041,988 Empty 2,510 225,993 228,503 47,783 1,440,345 1,488,128 19,516 39,714 59,230 70,823 1,706,376 1,777,199 35.6% 3,341,729 TOTAL 341,765 317,029 658,794 2,092,403 2,057,327 4,149,730 93,480 92,467 185,947 2,529,804 2467179 4,996,983 100% 9,383,717 Los Angeles Cargo Bearing 394,574 95,279 489,853 2,468,257 537,140 3,005,397 69,624 8,135 77,759 2,940,665 640,714 3,581,379 63.1% 6,698,069 Empty 1,007 257,609 258,616 8,273 1,764,657 1,772,930 274 59,386 59,660 16,393 2,081,997 2,098,390 36.9% 3,957,938 TOTAL 395,581 352,888 748,469 2,476,530 2,301,797 4,778,327 69,898 67,521 137,419 2,957,058 2722711 5,679,769 100% 10,656,007 Oakland Cargo Bearing 131,828 82,217 214,045 448,269 378,140 826,409 12,183 7,044 19,227 592,280 467,401 1,059,681 78.5% 1,910,293 Empty 7,703 46,750 54,453 72,440 150,490 222,930 2,791 10,039 12,830 82,934 207,279 290,213 21.5% 529,257 TOTAL 139,531 128,967 268,498 520,709 528,630 1,049,339 14,974 17,083 32,057 675,214 674680 1,349,894 100% 2,439,550 Portland Cargo Bearing 5,000 367 5,367 17,994 16,833 34,827 15 1 16 26,083 17,201 43,284 77.6% 83,201 Empty 0 2,250 2,250 4,087 6,089 10,176 0 88 88 4,087 8,427 12,514 22.4% 22,799 TOTAL 5,000 2,617 7,617 22,081 22,922 45,003 15 89 104 30,170 25628 55,798 100% 106,000 Tacoma Cargo Bearing 61,633 20,771 82,404 361,570 274,114 635,684 14,564 17,066 31,630 437,767 311,952 749,719 72.8% 1,425,076 Empty 1,508 35,052 36,560 66,784 159,178 225,962 11,147 6,694 17,841 79,439 200,924 280,363 27.2% 528,704 TOTAL 63,141 55,823 118,964 428,354 433,292 861,646 25,711 23,760 49,471 517,206 512876 1,030,082 100% 1,953,780 Seattle Cargo Bearing 76,921 32,962 109,883 309,590 149,917 459,507 6,817 565 7,382 393,328 183,444 576,772 72% 1,045,569 Empty 2,063 36,888 38,951 17,681 160,262 177,943 2 7,289 7,291 19,746 204,439 224,185 28% 411,280 TOTAL 78,984 69,850 148,834 327,271 310,179 637,450 6,819 7,854 14,673 413,074 387883 800,957 100% 1,456,849 All Others Cargo Bearing 4,400 1,673 6,073 107,558 20,120 127,678 103 0 103 113,431 21,793 135,224 63.8% 265,297 Empty 133 131 264 54 73,713 73,767 0 49 49 2,453 74,297 76,750 36.2% 154,986 TOTAL 4,533 1,804 6,337 107,612 93,833 201,445 103 49 152 115,884 96090 211,974 100% 420,283 COAST TOTALS Cargo Bearing 1,013,611 324,305 1,337,916 5,757,858 1,993,246 7,751,104 177,270 85,564 262,834 6,962,535 2,403,308 9,365,843 66.3% 17,469,493 Empty 14,924 604,673 619,597 217,102 3,754,734 3,971,836 33,730 123,259 156,989 275,875 4,483,739 4,759,614 33.7% 8,946,693 TOTAL 1,028,535 928,978 1,957,513 5,974,960 5,747,980 11,722,940 211,000 208,823 419,823 7,238,410 6,887,047 14,125,457 100% 26,416,186 % of Total 7.3% 6.6% 13.9% 42.2% 40.7% 82.9% 1.5% 1.5% 3.0% 51.2% 48.8% 100% – – All Box Lengths is the total of all containers reported including 24, 35, 48 and 53-foot containers, which are not shown in the columns to the left. OVERSTOWS AND REHANDLES S TAT I S T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N 58 58 2021 ANNUAL REPORT

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