Pacific Maritime Association

PMA Annual Report 2021

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2021 underscored the need for broad collaboration to keep West Coast ports strong. Historic levels of imported cargo at North American ports have placed enormous stress across the U.S. supply chain. The aerial photo covering this year's annual report, showing a record number of vessels at anchor in San Pedro Bay, became the symbol for our nation's historic supply chain challenges. From the outset, PMA assumed a leadership role in helping address the nation's supply chain challenges. Working in partnership with the ILWU, we acted decisively to expand our workforce and provide additional training for more skilled positions. PMA participated in a White House task force to advance many solutions. We worked closely with port authorities and government officials to secure vaccinations to help keep our workforce safe. PMA also commissioned and widely shared groundbreaking research examining how equipment shortages, warehouse capacity limits, and intermodal choke points have all combined to dramatically slow the movement of goods through America's distribution channels. In November, we helped deliver a new vessel queuing process to improve safety and air quality along the California coastline. With supply chain challenges projected to persist throughout 2022, PMA is continuing our efforts. Keeping our ports strong is essential to supporting millions of American workers and billions of dollars in economic activity. In 2022, the spotlight will continue to shine on West Coast ports as we enter negotiations on a new coastwise contract. We will enter those negotiations with the same spirit of cooperation with the ILWU that proved so vital in 2021. Sincerely, James C. McKenna President and CEO TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS 3 PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION

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