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Qualified travelers are paid for travel time at the rate of one-half of the basic hourly rate. A mileage allowance for transportation is also paid, not to exceed the maximum nontaxable rate allowed by IRS standards. Travelers employed on successive days are paid travel time and transportation allowances for the first day and the last day. For any intervening days, travelers are paid the lesser of travel time plus transportation or subsistence. Subsistence rates are $120.00 per night for lodging and $30.00 per meal. CFS Program Fund The purpose of the Container Freight Station (CFS) Program is to "encourage the establishment, development and growth of efficient and productive container freight stations on the docks to preserve work which has historically been performed by the longshore work force." In order to accomplish the program objective, assessments collected on containerized cargo are used to reimburse PMA member employers operating designated CFS facilities for payments they have made for payroll hour assessments. CFS hours are hours that are paid to certain longshore, clerk and foreman registrants for job assignments in designated CFS facilities. There are two types of reimbursements made for CFS activity: (1) a credit based on CFS hours paid in a facility defined as an "A-Credit," for "Assessment Credit," and (2) a credit based on both CFS hours paid and CFS tonnage defined as an "I-Credit," for "Incentive Credit." The A-Credit is an amount equal to 90% of the hourly benefit assessment rate excluding that portion of the vacation assessment that is collected to cover insurance and taxes. The I-Credits are amounts that equal 11.1% of the sum of A-Credits paid in a PMA administrative area. Therefore, the sum of A Credits and I-Credits equals the total hourly assessments paid less the vacation, insurance, and taxes portion. Payments for A-Credits are made on a regular basis. However, I-Credit payments are made only after the close of the payroll year. Each employer's share of I-Credits is to be the same proportion, that the employer's CFS tons are of the total CFS tons for the area; no employer's I-Credit is allowed to exceed 22.2% of his A-Credits. Dispatch Halls All longshore workers in a port are dispatched through a hall maintained Operations at the Port of Long Beach. Payroll A-Credit I-Credit Year (Assessment (Incentive Total Credit) Credit) 2016 $1,777,822 $197,516 $1,975,338 2017 $1,660,250 $184,736 $1,844,986 2018 $1,599,264 $177,690 $1,776,954 2019 $1,493,150 $165,889 $1,659,039 2020 $1,501,140 $166,777 $1,667,917 CFS PROGRAM FUND I N D U S T R Y B E N E F I T S 46 46 2020 ANNUAL REPORT