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S T A T I S T I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast TEUs/Tons of Coast for each of the six major ports and for All Other Ports, the number of assessable container teus and the revenue tonnage reported in each of the other four cargo sectors are shown for each year. the Port Total tonnage includes container tonnage. container teus are converted to tonnage by multiplying the number of teus by 17 tons. Coast Revenue Tonnage Market Share in the table below, the column labeled "percent of coast" represents the cargo tonnage as a percent of the coast total for that sector. this percentage represents what is commonly referred to as "market share". the six major ports listed below handled 86.3% of the total coast tonnage in 2018 and 99.0% of the containerized cargo. LONG BeaCH Automobiles and Trucks 3,552,704 13.4% 3,634,769 13.4% 3,489,912 13.4% 3,653,575 14.4% 3,396,584 14.2% Bulk Cargo 9,518,648 16.9% 8,612,015 16.9% 7,037,847 15.5% 6,980,352 16.8% 9,339,263 20.4% Containerized Cargo 5,612,597 33.1% 5,332,811 32.3% 4,969,817 31.2% 5,151,773 33.6% 5,128,955 32.8% General Cargo 872,952 12.7% 806,844 12.4% 567,368 8.8% 581,537 7.2% 558,787 6.5% Logs and Lumber 137,501 9.1% 149,649 8.8% 160,230 8.9% 141,958 8.2% 125,508 5.7% Port total: 109,495,954 28.8% 103,861,064 28.3% 95,742,246 27.3% 98,937,563 29.4% 100,612,377 29.0% LOS aNGeLeS Automobiles and Trucks 2,079,145 7.8% 3,164,764 11.6% 2,571,894 9.8% 2,251,639 8.9% 1,708,672 7.2% Bulk Cargo 1,206,626 2.1% 1,096,611 2.1% 892,049 2.0% 1,184,281 2.9% 841,889 1.8% Containerized Cargo 6,692,521 39.4% 6,613,784 40.0% 6,352,573 40.0% 5,837,716 38.1% 6,104,955 39.0% General Cargo 2,397,721 35.0% 2,424,447 37.1% 2,485,052 38.7% 3,185,438 39.7% 3,493,221 40.4% Port total: 119,456,349 31.5% 119,120,150 32.4% 113,942,736 32.5% 105,862,530 31.4% 109,828,017 31.7% OakLaND Automobiles and Trucks 149,828 0.6% 169,778 0.6% 191,270 0.7% 181,090 0.7% 276,300 1.2% Containerized Cargo 1,857,771 10.9% 1,835,496 11.1% 1,817,377 11.4% 1,695,872 11.1% 1,779,849 11.4% General Cargo 41,352 0.6% 15,225 0.2% 13,691 0.2% 9,325 0.1% 6,686 0.1% Port total: 31,773,287 8.4% 31,388,435 8.5% 31,100,370 8.9% 29,020,239 8.6% 30,540,419 8.8% PORtLaND Automobiles and Trucks 4,162,491 15.7% 4,091,938 15.0% 3,639,485 13.9% 3,245,825 12.8% 3,177,993 13.3% Bulk Cargo 9,248,554 16.4% 8,092,539 15.8% 6,059,105 13.3% 6,192,789 14.9% 8,479,081 18.5% Containerized Cargo 224 0.0% - 0.0% 1,687 <0.1% 16,457 0.1% 130,094 0.8% General Cargo 3,371 0.0% - 0.0% 15,974 0.3% 79,826 1.0% 704,316 8.2% Port total: 13,418,224 3.5% 12,184,477 3.3% 9,743,243 2.8% 9,798,209 2.9% 14,572,988 4.2% taCOMa Automobiles and Trucks 2,349,649 8.9% 2,314,488 8.5% 2,507,904 9.6% 2,670,728 10.6% 2,661,783 11.1% Bulk Cargo 5,173,547 9.2% 5,327,069 10.4% 5,298,282 11.7% 3,331,035 8.0% 5,125,856 11.2% Containerized Cargo 1,500,777 8.8% 1,552,022 9.4% 1,750,502 11.0% 1,607,555 10.5% 1,551,760 9.9% General Cargo 793,200 11.6% 625,293 9.6% 539,283 8.4% 748,366 9.3% 682,392 7.9% Logs and Lumber 0 0.0% 49,080 2.9% 48,780 2.7% 70,855 4.1% 85,854 3.9% Port total: 33,829,605 8.9% 34,700,304 9.4% 38,152,783 10.9% 34,149,419 10.1% 34,935,805 10.1% SeattLe Automobiles and Trucks 130,494 0.5% 121,359 0.4% 130,236 0.5% 112,288 0.4% 82,229 0.3% Bulk Cargo 30,355 0.1% 19,892 0.0% 21,541 <0.1% 24,843 0.1% 22,061 0.1% Containerized Cargo 1,151,104 6.8% 1,040,843 6.3% 879,198 5.5% 866,743 5.7% 835,120 5.3% General Cargo 56,031 0.8% 10,143 0.2% 36,141 0.6% 34,387 0.4% 120,496 1.4% Port total: 19,785,648 5.2% 17,845,725 4.9% 15,134,284 4.3% 14,906,149 4.4% 14,421,826 4.2% aLL OtHeR PORtS Automobiles and Trucks 14,078,498 53.1% 13,708,920 50.5% 13,616,314 52.1% 13,178,113 52.1% 12,609,333 52.7% Bulk Cargo 31,092,677 55.3% 27,961,369 54.7% 26,184,884 57.5% 23,842,963 57.4% 21,976,187 48.0% Containerized Cargo 165,051 1.0% 158,970 0.9% 149,275 0.9% 144,162 0.9% 130,733 0.8% General Cargo 2,689,974 39.3% 2,647,431 40.5% 2,766,287 43.0% 3,390,175 42.2% 3,078,365 35.6% Logs and Lumber 1,372,375 90.9% 1,495,266 88.3% 1,599,024 88.4% 1,516,717 87.7% 2,003,886 90.5% Port total: 52,039,391 13.7% 48,515,476 13.2% 46,704,184 13.3% 44,378,722 13.2% 41,890,232 12.1% COaSt tOtaLS Automobiles and Trucks 26,502,809 27,206,016 26,147,015 25,293,258 23,912,894 Bulk Cargo 56,270,407 51,109,495 45,493,708 41,556,263 45,784,337 Containerized Cargo 16,980,045 16,533,926 15,920,429 15,320,278 15,661,466 General Cargo 6,854,601 6,529,383 6,423,796 8,029,054 8,644,263 Logs and Lumber 1,509,876 1,693,995 1,808,034 1,729,530 2,215,248 Coast total: 379,798,458 367,615,631 350,519,846 337,052,831 346,801,664 60 2 0 1 8 a n n u a l r e p o r t